We support our clients in advising, selling, buying and sourcing pieces. At each stage we guide the collection through the intention to the achievement.
Through our consulting role we are present at all levels of the market of art, both on the first and on the second.
Our experience of Art Galleries and Auction Houses allows us to offer our collectors the assurance of transparent and serene transactions.
Each situation needs a suitable solution which requires complete and devoted attention.
Harold Wilmotte practised for more than 10 years art market analysis and due diligences for prestigious clients.
Specialised in contemporary art and design post-war furniture, Harold Wilmotte has developped a specific expertise in post-modern design.
For each step of an expertising process, an extensive network is necessary to manage provenance researches, authentification approches and finally appraisal.
Private transaction
Our intermediary role complements our consulting activities and expertise.
We ensure that the works entrusted to us, from private and institutional collections, are preserved confidentially.
Our transactions are conducted in a climate of great discretion to preserve the works integrity.
Estate planning
In collaboration with lawyer Adeline Poulin, we provide legal and tax advice to our clients to organize their heritage and the transmission of it.
Buying or collecting art is an excellent way to diversify the estate and we help our clients in passing their collection from one generation to the next.
Building a collection
The constitution of collections is one of our main activities.
We encourage our clients to build collections and we guide them step by step.
Our access to fine art, rarely available on the public market, offers a privileged way to our collectors to buyt high quality works.
Benefits and services
HW has selected a network of experienced art market professionals : Carriers, artisans framers and restorers.
Quality, security and confidentiality are our greater priority.